Cake of the Week #1: My Wedding Cake

In order to force myself to post all of my cakes to date I am starting a cake of the week. I figured my wedding cake is as good a place to start as any. If anything I hope this posting will discourage any young ambitious bride-to-be who is reading this to NOT make you own wedding cake. Get married and let other people do the work. This was a delicious carrot cake. Sure, it looks a little lumpy underneath all of that fondant, but nobody noticed while they were eating it!

My Wedding Cake

…If only I had the photo of my first cake, a Noah’s Ark to scale. I wonder if I can get my Mom to dig it up for me? Mom if you are reading this you know what to do…

About Danielle Kyle

I hail from the Appalachain Mountains of North Carolina and am the oldest of a large family. I am have birthed five beautiful children, who are all five years and under. Most importantly, I have a very supportive and loving husband who patiently bares all of my dabbling in everything artistically domestic. Once upon a time, we were song writer's who met on Music Row and as my husband likes to say, "We kissed more than we wrote!" Residing outside of Music City, TN this will be our first year homeschooling our 5 year old twin boys. Please join us in the joys, laughter and tears of the daunting task set before us.
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3 Responses to Cake of the Week #1: My Wedding Cake

  1. Sharon Davis says:

    Danielle, you know I do. Now lets see who would like to come over and help me organize all 10,000 pics piled sky high? …… For those of you who don’t know me and for those of you who do, this is the biggest difference between Danielle and myself. When I decided to turn all my neatly organized photo albums into creative memory albums, I began what has become the biggest mess in my home. Believe it or not, it is a bigger mess than homeschooling ever thought of being. So now, after almost 20 years and 4 boys later, I have not made ONE creative memories album. Danielle, on the other hand, has one gorgeously completed album of her two twin boys first and I believe second year of life. ….. Does it matter if my husband is the least organized human on the planet? No, I can honestly say this is ALL Me folks.

    I long for the days when I had a romantic bedroom to share with my husband.

    • I want to help you so much. I even thought about tackling it while you were in Germany, but then I don’t want to mess anything up. Here is to one day when we can drink wine, eat cheese and organize the photos….I love you!

  2. Regina Davis says:


    Don’t leave me out of this wine, cheese and picture party! I want to be there to laugh at old photos of homeschool jumpers, tacky Aunt Gladys dresses and how stylish mom looked in her 80’s garb! Plus, I have good ideas that need to be expressed on the Creative Memories page. Moves the likes as you two have never seen. PS. Danielle If I made my own wedding cake, it would be a Volcano themed wedding reception;) But, thanks for discouraging me in case I became obsessed with delusions of grandeur:)

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